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Sentire cum Ecclesia

The Pope’s prayer intentions

APRIL: We pray that those suffering from addiction may be helped and accompanied.

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MAY: We pray that deacons, faithful in their service to the Word and the poor, may be an invigorating symbol for the entire Church.

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Pope Francis @Pontifex

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Faith advances with humble and practical steps.

God's mercy is our liberation and our happiness. We need to forgive, because we ourselves need to be forgiven.

Our God is near and asks us to be near to one another. Perhaps right now we cannot draw near physically to others for fear of contagion, but we can reawaken in ourselves a habit of drawing near to others through prayer and mutual help.

Let us allow ourselves to be loved by God, so that we can give love in return. Let us allow ourselves to stand up and walk towards Easter.

“Repent”, in other words, “Change your life” (Mt 4:17), for a new way of living has begun. The time when you lived for yourself is over; now is the time for living with and for God, with and for others, with and for love.

God always acts through the simple things: the simplicity of everyday work, the simplicity of prayer. But the worldly spirit moves us toward vanity, toward appearances that end in violence.


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Last modified on Monday, 06 April 2020 22:12
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