Copia de Ordo Fratrum Minorum Capuccinorum EN

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updated 3:02 PM UTC, Jan 15, 2025

Online Forum on the New Evangelization

Dear Brothers, May the Lord give you peace

 We invite and encourage you to participate in the second online forum on The Challenges for Franciscans in the Field of the New Evangelization in the context of Europe. 

The meeting is organized and coordinated by the secretariats for missionary animation of the three First Order branches whose invitation is extended to all Franciscan First Order and TOR friars present throughout Europe. The Old Continent is experiencing a very sharp decline in Christian presence, particularly in the younger generations, sons and daughters of an already de-Christianized social fabric. Through the online meetings we would like to reach out to all brothers and raise an awareness of our common challenges and opportunities when it comes to proclaiming the Gospel to young people; in fact, this year's focus will be: “Evangelization of young people in Europe.” The objective is to reflect, update, animate and revive in Franciscans the commitment to going out and meeting the new generations of today; and to relive through this evangelization that same enthusiasm of Francis of Assisi, when at the Portiuncula he exclaimed upon hearing the Gospel on sending forth disciples, “this I want, this I desire, this I long to do with all my heart.” 

We invite you to participate, if possible, as a community in this meeting to hear real life experiences, deepen the discussion and uncover possible paths for evangelization of the young population in Europe. 

The online gathering will be from November 26 to 28, 2024, according to the attached schedule.



Last modified on Friday, 15 November 2024 10:05
