All Saints of the Seraphic Order
- Published in Other news items
On November 29, the Franciscan Order, in its various expressions, commemorated its saints and blessed. The traditional date of the feast corresponds with Pope Honorius III's approval of the Rule of St. Francis on November 29, 1223 (last year we celebrated its 8th Centenary; on that occasion, we recall that Pope Francis had made the gift of a special message to the entire Franciscan Family).
“Celebration of the Saints” together with “approval of the Rule,” brings out an obvious underlying connection: holiness within the Seraphic Order, our path to sanctity, is closely linked to the life of the Rule, that is, to the professed evangelical form of life.
In the General Curia, the feast takes on a more intense character, as the chapel is dedicated to the Saints of the Seraphic Order and is the day of the local fraternity’s feast. This dedication was done in 2016 after the Curia's renovations were completed (in 2014). To underscore this, our chapel enjoys the representation of most of the Capuchin saints and blessed, and also of the Capuchin Poor Clares, made by the painter Paolo Orlando immediately after the renovations, and, finally, in 2023 with the Capuchin tree, which is reproduced on the cover of the latest edition of the volume In the Footsteps of the Saints, recently edited and presented during the General Chapter.
The feast was an occasion to recognize once again the preciousness of the spiritual patrimony, the richness of the witness of so many brothers who have preceded us and in whose “footsteps” we walk. It was also an opportunity to relaunch with confidence our commitment to our form of life and our response to our call. May all the saints of the Franciscan family intercede for us and for the whole Order.