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updated 4:32 PM UTC, Feb 7, 2025

The new rector

At the General Council meeting last November-December, the General Minister together with his Council appointed Br. Kilian Ngitir (Custody of Cameroon) as the new rector of the International College of St. Lawrence of Brindisi, Rome. Br. Kilian, former General Councilor (2018-2024) has been a member of the Collegio staff since 2016 as a professor at the Franciscan Institute of Spirituality (IFS) and Spiritual Animator since October 2017.

We wish Br. Kilian Ngitir a fruitful ministry as rector of the International College of St. Lawrence of Brindisi and we express our appreciation to Br. Andrzej Kiejza (rector from 2019 and professor of IFS) at the conclusion of his term and who now returns to the Warsaw Province. We extend to him our gratitude for his frank and constructive dedication to being attentive to and providing discernment and guidance for our young students, as for his constant and encouraging presence even in the most critical periods (such as Covid-19). We appreciate the collaboration that has taken place between us, for his commitment to the Order and, once again, for the time he spent with paternal and praiseworthy competence as rector of the International College of St. Lawrence of Brindisi.

Last modified on Friday, 03 January 2025 10:10
